It Takes All of Us
For Volunteers
We are recruiting volunteers for a number of roles! Read about the different opportunities below or complete the interest form if you already know how you would like to help! We will be in touch.
Volunteer Ally Role
The Volunteer Allies are people who commit to a year of working alongside a Bridging Forward participant to achieve their goals to leave poverty behind. Allies and the “Circle Leaders” form an intentional friendship and work with others to grow the Leaders’s supports and stability, leading to higher-wage employment and asset-growth.
Other Volunteer Roles
Child Program Leads and Support: supervise/lead or support a diverse group of kids in approprate activities/learning once a week for 60 minutes while their caregivers are doing the work of the program. There will be a team of people working on this and we will provide activities and direction.
Hospitality help: support the logistics of hosting a large group of people who are working together to improve their lives and the health of our community (helping organize provided meals, serving, tidy-up). We provide the food and help for the serving and the clean-up and we have a great site that makes it easy to host a group!
To Be a Participant in Bridging Forward:
Call 402-461-8418 for more information and schedule a time to talk and complete an application.